Monday, February 14, 2011

Semiconductor Rising

Smart phones everywhere, tablets like crazy.This another boost in the semiconductor world.

We are again going into an uprising, Jobs in the semiconductor industry are opening up anew. We have to thank apple for giving a Jet rocket to the sky for Samsumg and Nokia to follow. Once again, every person wants a smarter phone in their lives, every person wants to own an easier way to gain access to everyone..Phones may be dead in the next couple of years, notebooks wil shrink and the smart phones + tablets siblings wil surface!

This surfacing of new products will surely be the big boost in the semiconductor industry that is dependent on electronics for the drive. Once that demand pulls and
pushes through the market late this year, we are going for a blast.

The semiconductor fabs are now rebuilding and starting to increase infrastructure. They are getting ready, and they want a piece of that $7 Billion market. Yes, It's that big...People are wanting to get slots on the new i phone, the new sam ride the way to profit.

As of now the semiconductort industry are raising all falgs on research and development. They want to get a headstart above everybody else. They want those slots. These revolution hasn't been going on since that revolution of mobile phones back in the late 90's to the early 2000's. But it will be happening again. And once that hing comes, It'll be hurricane.

Now check out these phones, You'll see how smart they are.

Corned Tuna salad in Pineapple and mango plus seafood spag

It's valentines day!!!!!

What did I get? I got food from my girl. Corned Tuna in pineapple and mango!!!!!!


It was rally simple yet I was full of delight in eating!!!! Now follow it with seafood spag with prawns and crab!!!! yum yum... Now I know why I love my girl and that she loves me!!!

Want to know how it's made?

Just open a can of corned tuna, mix it up with some lettuce, pineapple bits, diced mango, then sprinkle in different dressing styles...mine had the simple salt in pineapple juice...I like it the way it is....

As for the spag, I don't know how she made it...But it made me smile!!!

What did you get??? What did you give???

Sunday, February 13, 2011

127 hours: Movie

I could relate to this movie. As a mountaineer, Ihave been in dire situations as well....but not alone. The fear that transcended in me while watching the movie gave me a drive to always be prepared on going to this trips.

What did he fail to bring: Phone!!!! his primary contact to the outside world. But his pretty tough. You'll have to watch the movie to see how tough it is to be alone and incapacitated.

I remember rescuing a friend in the mossy forest of Mt. Apo when he couldn't find his way back in the dark...We could here him scream his hears out, told us after the aftermath that he had feared for the worst...but he was not incapacitated, he was able to walk and had imagine your hand stuck in a boulder, water running out, cold at night, getting hyterical and no one to hear you. This movie will show you the concept of being alone in the world and wishing you were some place else.

Watch the movie, It's a nice one.